alhamdulillah dengan izinNya masih lagi mampu meneruskan hidup sebagai seorang Da'e. Di sebalik mehnah dan tribulasi, namun dapat jua ditempuhi dengan jayanya..Insyaallah dengan izinNya, warga zon selatan akan mengadakan 'reunion' dalam masa terdekat ini..segala informasi akan dimaklumkan kelak..moga dapat meluangkan sedikit masa bagi kita memastikan kesinambungan ukhuwwah kekal dan meneruskan perancangan dan perjuangan dengan jayanya..moga Allah merahmati kita semua..amin..
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
> > > Empat perkara menguatkan badan
> > > 1. makan daging
> > > 2. memakai haruman
> > > 3. kerap mandi
> > > 4. berpakaian dari kapas
> > > Empat perkara melemahkan badan
> > > 1. banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
> > > 2. selalu cemas
> > > 3. banyak minum air ketika makan
> > > 4. banyak makan bahan yang masam
> > > Empat perkara menajamkan mata
> > > 1. duduk mengadap kiblat
> > > 2. bercelak sebelum tidur
> > > 3. memandang yang hijau
> > > 4. berpakaian bersih
> > > Empat perkara merosakan mata
> > > 1. memandang najis
> > > 2. melihat orang dibunuh
> > > 3. melihat kemaluan
> > > 4. membelakangi kiblat
> > > Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran
> > > 1. tidak banyak berbual kosong
> > > 2. rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
> > > 3. bercakap dengan orang soleh
> > > 4. bergaul dengan para ulama
> > > 1. makan daging
> > > 2. memakai haruman
> > > 3. kerap mandi
> > > 4. berpakaian dari kapas
> > > Empat perkara melemahkan badan
> > > 1. banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
> > > 2. selalu cemas
> > > 3. banyak minum air ketika makan
> > > 4. banyak makan bahan yang masam
> > > Empat perkara menajamkan mata
> > > 1. duduk mengadap kiblat
> > > 2. bercelak sebelum tidur
> > > 3. memandang yang hijau
> > > 4. berpakaian bersih
> > > Empat perkara merosakan mata
> > > 1. memandang najis
> > > 2. melihat orang dibunuh
> > > 3. melihat kemaluan
> > > 4. membelakangi kiblat
> > > Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran
> > > 1. tidak banyak berbual kosong
> > > 2. rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
> > > 3. bercakap dengan orang soleh
> > > 4. bergaul dengan para ulama
Monday, May 18, 2009
by Sheikh Mohammed Abdelhaleem Hamed
Islamic University of AlMadinah Al-Munawwarah in Saudi Arabia
1. Beautiful Reception After returning from work, school, travel, or whatever has separated you:
* begin with a good greeting.
* Start with Assalamau 'Aliaykum and a smile.
Salam is a sunnah and a du'aa for her as well.
* Shake her hand and leave bad news for later!
2. Sweet Speech and Enchanting Invitations
* Choose words that are positive and avoid negative ones.
* Give her your attention when you speak of she speaks.
* Speak with clarity and repeat words if necessary until she understands.
* Call her with the nice names that she likes, e.g. my sweet-heart, honey, saaliha, etc.
3. Friendliness and Recreation
* Spend time talking together.
* Spread to her goods news.
* Remember your good memories together.
4. Games and Distractions
* Joking around & having a sense of humor.
* Playing and competing with each other in sports or whatever.
* Taking her to watch permissible (halal) types of entertainment.
* Avoiding prohibited (haram) things in your choices of entertainment.
5. Assistance in the Household
* Doing what you as an individual can/like to do that helps out, especially if she is sick or tired.
* The most important thing is making it obvious that he appreciates her hard work.
6. Consultation (Shurah)
* Specifically in family matters.
* Giving her the feeling that her opinion is important to you.
* Studying her opinion carefully.
* Be willing to change an opinion for hers if it is better.
* Thanking her for helping him with her opinions.
7. Visiting Others
* Choosing well raised people to build relations with. There is a great reward in visiting relatives and pious people. (Not in wasting time while visiting!)
* Pay attention to ensure Islamic manners during visits.
* Not forcing her to visit whom she does not feel comfortable with.
8. Conduct During Travel
* Offer a warm farewell and good advice.
* Ask her to pray for him.
* Ask pious relatives and friends to take care of the family in your absence.
* Give her enough money for what she might need.
* Try to stay in touch with her whether by phone, e-mail, letters, etc..
* Return as soon as possible.
* Bring her a gift!
* Avoid returning at an unexpected time or at night.
* Take her with you if possible.
9. Financial Support
* The husband needs to be generous within his financial capabilities. He should not be a miser with his money (nor wasteful).
* He gets rewards for all what he spends on her sustenance even for a small piece of bread that he feeds her by his hand (hadeith).
* He is strongly encouraged to give to her before she asks him.
10. Smelling Good and Physical Beautification
* Following the Sunnah in removing hair from the groin and underarms.
* Always being clean and neat.
* Put on perfume for her.
11. Intercourse
* It is obligatory to do it habitually if you have no excuse (sickness, etc.)
* Start with "Bismillah" and the authentic du'a.
* Enter into her in the proper place only (not the anus).
* Begin with foreplay including words of love.
* Continue until you have satisfied her desire.
* Relax and joke around afterwards.
* Avoid intercourse during the monthly period because it haram
* Do what you can to avoid damaging her level of Hiyaa (shyness and modesty) such as taking your clothes together instead of asking her to do it first while he is looking on.
* Avoid positions during intercourse that may harm her such as putting pressure on her chest and blocking her breath, especially if you are heavy.
* Choose suitable times for intercourse and be considerate as sometimes she maybe sick or exhausted.
12. Guarding Privacy
* Avoid disclosing private information such as bedroom secrets, her personal problems and other private matters.
13. Aiding in the Obedience to Allah
* Wake her up in the last third of the night to pray "Qiam-ul-Layl" (extra prayer done at night with long sujood and ruku'ua).
* Teach her what you know of the Qur'an and its tafseer.
* Teach her "Dhikr" (ways to remember Allah by the example of the prophet) in the morning and evening.
* Encourage her to spend money for the sake of Allah such as in a charity sale.
* Take her to Hajj and Umrah when you can afford to do so.
14. Showing Respect for her Family and Friends
* Take her to visit her family and relatives, especially her parents.
* Invite them to visit her and welcome them.
* Give them presents on special occasions.
* Help them when needed with money, effort, etc..
* Keep good relations with her family after her death if she dies first. Also in this case the husband is encouraged to follow the sunnah and keep giving what she used to give in her life to her friends and family.
15. (Islamic) Training & Admonition This includes
* The basics of Islam
* Her duties and rights
* Reading and writing
* Encouraging her to attend lessons and halaqahs
* Islamic rules (ahkam) related to women
* Buying Islamic books and tapes for the home library
16. Admirable Jealousy
* Ensure she is wearing proper hijab before leaving house.
* Restrict free mixing with non-mahram men.
* Avoiding excess jealousy. Examples of this are:
1- Analyzing every word and sentence she says and overloading her speech by meanings that she did not mean
2- Preventing her from going out of the house when the reasons are just.
3- Preventing her from answering the phone.
4- etc.
17. Patience and Mildness
* Problems are expected in every marriage so this is normal. What is wrong is excessive responses and magnifying problems until a marital breakdown.
* Anger should be shown when she exceeds the boundaries of Allah SWT, by delaying prayers, backbiting, watching prohibited scenes on TV, etc..
* Forgive the mistakes she does to you
(See item 1. * How can you best correct her mistakes?
1- First, implicit and explicit advice several times.
2- Then by turning your back to her in bed (displaying your feelings). Note that this does not include leaving the bedroom to another room, leaving the house to another place, or not talking with her.
3- The last solution is lightly hitting (when allowable) her.
In this case, the hsuband should consider the following:
- He should know that sunnah is to avoid beating as the Prophet PBUH never beat a woman or a servant.
- He should do it only in extreme cases of disobedience, e.g. refusing intercourse without cause frequently, constantly not praying on time, leaving the house for long periods of time without permission nor refusing to tell him where she had been, etc..
- It should not be done except after having turned from her bed and discussing the matter with her as mentioned in Qur'an .
- He should not hit her hard injuring her, or hit her on her face or on sensitive parts of her body.
- He should avoid shaming her such as by hitting her with a shoe, etc.
18. Pardoning and Appropriate Censure
* Accounting her only for larger mistakes.
* Forgive mistakes done to him but account her for mistakes done in Allah's rights, e.g. delaying prayers, etc..
* Remember all the good she does whenever she makes a mistake.
* Remember that all humans err so try to find excuses for her such as maybe she is tired, sad, having her monthly cycle or that her commitment to Islam is growing.
* Avoid attacking her for the bad cooking of the food as the Prophet PBUH never blamed any of his wives for this. If he likes the food, he eats and if he doesn't then he does not eat and does not comment.
* Before declaring her to be in error, try other indirect approaches that are more subtle than direct accusations
* Escape from using insults and words that may hurt her feelings.
* When it becomes necessary to discuss a problem wait until you have privacy from others.
* Waiting until the anger has subsided a bit can help to keep a control on your words.
by Sheikh Mohammed Abdelhaleem Hamed
Islamic University of AlMadinah Al-Munawwarah in Saudi Arabia
1. Beautiful Reception After returning from work, school, travel, or whatever has separated you:
* begin with a good greeting.
* Start with Assalamau 'Aliaykum and a smile.
Salam is a sunnah and a du'aa for her as well.
* Shake her hand and leave bad news for later!
2. Sweet Speech and Enchanting Invitations
* Choose words that are positive and avoid negative ones.
* Give her your attention when you speak of she speaks.
* Speak with clarity and repeat words if necessary until she understands.
* Call her with the nice names that she likes, e.g. my sweet-heart, honey, saaliha, etc.
3. Friendliness and Recreation
* Spend time talking together.
* Spread to her goods news.
* Remember your good memories together.
4. Games and Distractions
* Joking around & having a sense of humor.
* Playing and competing with each other in sports or whatever.
* Taking her to watch permissible (halal) types of entertainment.
* Avoiding prohibited (haram) things in your choices of entertainment.
5. Assistance in the Household
* Doing what you as an individual can/like to do that helps out, especially if she is sick or tired.
* The most important thing is making it obvious that he appreciates her hard work.
6. Consultation (Shurah)
* Specifically in family matters.
* Giving her the feeling that her opinion is important to you.
* Studying her opinion carefully.
* Be willing to change an opinion for hers if it is better.
* Thanking her for helping him with her opinions.
7. Visiting Others
* Choosing well raised people to build relations with. There is a great reward in visiting relatives and pious people. (Not in wasting time while visiting!)
* Pay attention to ensure Islamic manners during visits.
* Not forcing her to visit whom she does not feel comfortable with.
8. Conduct During Travel
* Offer a warm farewell and good advice.
* Ask her to pray for him.
* Ask pious relatives and friends to take care of the family in your absence.
* Give her enough money for what she might need.
* Try to stay in touch with her whether by phone, e-mail, letters, etc..
* Return as soon as possible.
* Bring her a gift!
* Avoid returning at an unexpected time or at night.
* Take her with you if possible.
9. Financial Support
* The husband needs to be generous within his financial capabilities. He should not be a miser with his money (nor wasteful).
* He gets rewards for all what he spends on her sustenance even for a small piece of bread that he feeds her by his hand (hadeith).
* He is strongly encouraged to give to her before she asks him.
10. Smelling Good and Physical Beautification
* Following the Sunnah in removing hair from the groin and underarms.
* Always being clean and neat.
* Put on perfume for her.
11. Intercourse
* It is obligatory to do it habitually if you have no excuse (sickness, etc.)
* Start with "Bismillah" and the authentic du'a.
* Enter into her in the proper place only (not the anus).
* Begin with foreplay including words of love.
* Continue until you have satisfied her desire.
* Relax and joke around afterwards.
* Avoid intercourse during the monthly period because it haram
* Do what you can to avoid damaging her level of Hiyaa (shyness and modesty) such as taking your clothes together instead of asking her to do it first while he is looking on.
* Avoid positions during intercourse that may harm her such as putting pressure on her chest and blocking her breath, especially if you are heavy.
* Choose suitable times for intercourse and be considerate as sometimes she maybe sick or exhausted.
12. Guarding Privacy
* Avoid disclosing private information such as bedroom secrets, her personal problems and other private matters.
13. Aiding in the Obedience to Allah
* Wake her up in the last third of the night to pray "Qiam-ul-Layl" (extra prayer done at night with long sujood and ruku'ua).
* Teach her what you know of the Qur'an and its tafseer.
* Teach her "Dhikr" (ways to remember Allah by the example of the prophet) in the morning and evening.
* Encourage her to spend money for the sake of Allah such as in a charity sale.
* Take her to Hajj and Umrah when you can afford to do so.
14. Showing Respect for her Family and Friends
* Take her to visit her family and relatives, especially her parents.
* Invite them to visit her and welcome them.
* Give them presents on special occasions.
* Help them when needed with money, effort, etc..
* Keep good relations with her family after her death if she dies first. Also in this case the husband is encouraged to follow the sunnah and keep giving what she used to give in her life to her friends and family.
15. (Islamic) Training & Admonition This includes
* The basics of Islam
* Her duties and rights
* Reading and writing
* Encouraging her to attend lessons and halaqahs
* Islamic rules (ahkam) related to women
* Buying Islamic books and tapes for the home library
16. Admirable Jealousy
* Ensure she is wearing proper hijab before leaving house.
* Restrict free mixing with non-mahram men.
* Avoiding excess jealousy. Examples of this are:
1- Analyzing every word and sentence she says and overloading her speech by meanings that she did not mean
2- Preventing her from going out of the house when the reasons are just.
3- Preventing her from answering the phone.
4- etc.
17. Patience and Mildness
* Problems are expected in every marriage so this is normal. What is wrong is excessive responses and magnifying problems until a marital breakdown.
* Anger should be shown when she exceeds the boundaries of Allah SWT, by delaying prayers, backbiting, watching prohibited scenes on TV, etc..
* Forgive the mistakes she does to you
(See item 1. * How can you best correct her mistakes?
1- First, implicit and explicit advice several times.
2- Then by turning your back to her in bed (displaying your feelings). Note that this does not include leaving the bedroom to another room, leaving the house to another place, or not talking with her.
3- The last solution is lightly hitting (when allowable) her.
In this case, the hsuband should consider the following:
- He should know that sunnah is to avoid beating as the Prophet PBUH never beat a woman or a servant.
- He should do it only in extreme cases of disobedience, e.g. refusing intercourse without cause frequently, constantly not praying on time, leaving the house for long periods of time without permission nor refusing to tell him where she had been, etc..
- It should not be done except after having turned from her bed and discussing the matter with her as mentioned in Qur'an .
- He should not hit her hard injuring her, or hit her on her face or on sensitive parts of her body.
- He should avoid shaming her such as by hitting her with a shoe, etc.
18. Pardoning and Appropriate Censure
* Accounting her only for larger mistakes.
* Forgive mistakes done to him but account her for mistakes done in Allah's rights, e.g. delaying prayers, etc..
* Remember all the good she does whenever she makes a mistake.
* Remember that all humans err so try to find excuses for her such as maybe she is tired, sad, having her monthly cycle or that her commitment to Islam is growing.
* Avoid attacking her for the bad cooking of the food as the Prophet PBUH never blamed any of his wives for this. If he likes the food, he eats and if he doesn't then he does not eat and does not comment.
* Before declaring her to be in error, try other indirect approaches that are more subtle than direct accusations
* Escape from using insults and words that may hurt her feelings.
* When it becomes necessary to discuss a problem wait until you have privacy from others.
* Waiting until the anger has subsided a bit can help to keep a control on your words.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Umat kini, bola punya hal, pukul 3 pagi boleh bersengkang mata. Bola punya hal ringan aje tubuh untuk bangun di waktu ayam pun tak bangun lagi, TAPI jadi berat untuk bangun QIAMMULAIL dan cukup menyeksakan....
Umat kini, menangis tersesak-esak sebab penyanyi kegemaran terkeluar dari Akademik Fantasia dan sewaktu dengannya. Air mata begitu murah dan mudah melimpah apabila artis yang disukai turut menangis, TAPI berat bagi umat kini yang menangisi kerana dosa yang dilakukannya atau kerana kematian alim ulama....
Umat kini, SMS berpuluh-puluh ringgit dengan senang hati dihantar, janji penyanyi pilihan menang, jari-jemari begitu ringan menaip nama penyanyi dan nombor undian, TAPI untuk bersedekah dan berzikir, jari jemari terasa susah untuk digerakkan dengan lancarnya....
Umat kini, gembira sebab anaknya pandai menyanyi dan menari dan sedihnya dia bila anaknya tak layak masuk Malaysian Idol, TAPI tak ramai yang sedih kerana anaknya buta Al-Quran, tidak tahu sembahyang dan tak berakhlak....
Umat kini, sanggup bersesak-sesak di padang konsert dan di stadium, sanggup memberi komitmen dan memeriahkan konsert..sedihnya... TAPI program di masjid kena buat pengumuman baru nak datang..itupun ada yang uzur je memanjang...tak kira perempuan dan lelaki ( confius ). Macam-macam alasan....
Umat kini, setiap tahun adanya pertandingan tilawah Al-Quran tak cukup peringkat kebangsaan, dibuat peringkat antarabangsa, TAPI perlaksanaan ikut sedap hati dia aje. Rasa nak buat hukum ni di buat rasa tak nak buat, dia tak buat..mana yang tak menyusahkan dan tak mengganggu kehidupan dalam mencari kemewahan dunia, dia buat..
Umat kini, setiap tahun mereka sanggup menunggu setia jam 12 malam pada hari merdeka dan tahun baru masihi. Program jam 11.30 malam, datangnya jam 9.00 malam. Bersorak-sorai tak kira lelaki perempuan. TAPI tak ramai yang mampu dan mahu menunggu awal waktu solat di masjid dan melaungkan azan dan solawat dengan semangatnya...
Umat kini, setiap kali aku menulis fakta yang benar dan kenyataan tentang umat kini, pasti ada suara-suara sumbang dan lantang yang cuba mempertikaikan fakta sahih lagi benar berdasarkan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. Tak modenla, jumud, tak ’update’ dan tak ’open minded’ dan banyak lagi hujah-hujah tak berfakta dan tak bertunjangnya Tauhid kepada Allah S.W.T..
Umat kini memang pelik lagi jelik....
Kepada Umat kini, sedarlah, perbanyakkan ibadah kerana hari terakhir kita semua adalah esok yang semakin jelas mendatang...jeng..jeng...jeng... beringatlah...bukti-bukti hari Kiamat sudah jelas terpampang..Cuma menunggu ’green light’ daripada Allah S.W.T......bertaubatlah...
Umat kini, menangis tersesak-esak sebab penyanyi kegemaran terkeluar dari Akademik Fantasia dan sewaktu dengannya. Air mata begitu murah dan mudah melimpah apabila artis yang disukai turut menangis, TAPI berat bagi umat kini yang menangisi kerana dosa yang dilakukannya atau kerana kematian alim ulama....
Umat kini, SMS berpuluh-puluh ringgit dengan senang hati dihantar, janji penyanyi pilihan menang, jari-jemari begitu ringan menaip nama penyanyi dan nombor undian, TAPI untuk bersedekah dan berzikir, jari jemari terasa susah untuk digerakkan dengan lancarnya....
Umat kini, gembira sebab anaknya pandai menyanyi dan menari dan sedihnya dia bila anaknya tak layak masuk Malaysian Idol, TAPI tak ramai yang sedih kerana anaknya buta Al-Quran, tidak tahu sembahyang dan tak berakhlak....
Umat kini, sanggup bersesak-sesak di padang konsert dan di stadium, sanggup memberi komitmen dan memeriahkan konsert..sedihnya... TAPI program di masjid kena buat pengumuman baru nak datang..itupun ada yang uzur je memanjang...tak kira perempuan dan lelaki ( confius ). Macam-macam alasan....
Umat kini, setiap tahun adanya pertandingan tilawah Al-Quran tak cukup peringkat kebangsaan, dibuat peringkat antarabangsa, TAPI perlaksanaan ikut sedap hati dia aje. Rasa nak buat hukum ni di buat rasa tak nak buat, dia tak buat..mana yang tak menyusahkan dan tak mengganggu kehidupan dalam mencari kemewahan dunia, dia buat..
Umat kini, setiap tahun mereka sanggup menunggu setia jam 12 malam pada hari merdeka dan tahun baru masihi. Program jam 11.30 malam, datangnya jam 9.00 malam. Bersorak-sorai tak kira lelaki perempuan. TAPI tak ramai yang mampu dan mahu menunggu awal waktu solat di masjid dan melaungkan azan dan solawat dengan semangatnya...
Umat kini, setiap kali aku menulis fakta yang benar dan kenyataan tentang umat kini, pasti ada suara-suara sumbang dan lantang yang cuba mempertikaikan fakta sahih lagi benar berdasarkan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. Tak modenla, jumud, tak ’update’ dan tak ’open minded’ dan banyak lagi hujah-hujah tak berfakta dan tak bertunjangnya Tauhid kepada Allah S.W.T..
Umat kini memang pelik lagi jelik....
Kepada Umat kini, sedarlah, perbanyakkan ibadah kerana hari terakhir kita semua adalah esok yang semakin jelas mendatang...jeng..jeng...jeng... beringatlah...bukti-bukti hari Kiamat sudah jelas terpampang..Cuma menunggu ’green light’ daripada Allah S.W.T......bertaubatlah...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
2.1 Terlaksana masyarakat muslim di kalangan ahli Alumni KI.
2.2 Menjana tenaga muslim sejati di dalam segala bidang lapangan.
2.3 Memberikan sumbangan terbaik kepada kemajuan dan pembangunan Kelab Iqra’
2.4 Mengeratkan ukhuwwah di kalangan ahli khususnya dan masyarakat muslim Malaysia amnya.
3.1 Melahirkan individu yang berkualiti dalam aspek rohani, jasmani, emosi dan intelek
3.2 Memahsyurkan nama Universiti
3.3 Memberikan khidmat terbaik kepada agama, bangsa dan negara
4.1 Mematuhi seluruh perlembagaan penubuhan.
4.2 Menjaga kebajikan ahli alumni dan kampus.
4.3 Menekankan keahlian tentang kewajiban berdakwah
4.4 Pemfokusan terhadap pengumpulan dana.
4.5 Menjejaki ahli-ahli yang hilang.
4.6 Perlantikan tanzim dilaksanakan 2 penggal sekali (2 tahun).
2.1 Terlaksana masyarakat muslim di kalangan ahli Alumni KI.
2.2 Menjana tenaga muslim sejati di dalam segala bidang lapangan.
2.3 Memberikan sumbangan terbaik kepada kemajuan dan pembangunan Kelab Iqra’
2.4 Mengeratkan ukhuwwah di kalangan ahli khususnya dan masyarakat muslim Malaysia amnya.
3.1 Melahirkan individu yang berkualiti dalam aspek rohani, jasmani, emosi dan intelek
3.2 Memahsyurkan nama Universiti
3.3 Memberikan khidmat terbaik kepada agama, bangsa dan negara
4.1 Mematuhi seluruh perlembagaan penubuhan.
4.2 Menjaga kebajikan ahli alumni dan kampus.
4.3 Menekankan keahlian tentang kewajiban berdakwah
4.4 Pemfokusan terhadap pengumpulan dana.
4.5 Menjejaki ahli-ahli yang hilang.
4.6 Perlantikan tanzim dilaksanakan 2 penggal sekali (2 tahun).
12 barisan di mahsyar
12 barisan di mahsyar
Barisan Pertama - Manusia tanpa tangan dan kaki. Mereka di dunia suka menyakiti hati jirannya.
Barisan kedua - Manusia berwajah khinzir hitam. Mereka di dunia melalaikan solat atau bersolat tetapi masih melakukan kemungkaran.
Barisan ketiga - Manusia seperti baghal dengan perut seperti gunung penuh dengan ular dan kala jengking. Mereka di dunia enggan mengeluarkan zakat
Barisan keempat - Manusia yang mengalir darah dari mulutnya. Mereka di dunia berdusta dalam berjual beli
Barisan kelima - Seperti angin yang bertiup berbau sangat busuk. Mereka di dunia menyembunyikan kederhakaan atau maksiat kerana manusia dan mereka tidak takut kepada Allah.
Barisan keenam - Manusia yang tenggorok dan tengkoknya putus. Mereka di dunia menjadi saksi palsu, mengadakan cerita yang tidak berlaku menyebabkan orang teraniaya
Barisan ketujuh - Manusia tanpa lidah dan keluar darah dari mulutnya. Mereka di dunia enggan memberi kesaksian atau menyembunyikan sesuatu kemungkaran menyebabkan hukuman tidak dapat dijalankan.
Barisan kelapan - Manusia berjalan terbalik (kaki ke kepala). Manusia yang melacurkan diri atau berzina tanpa bertaubat.
Barisan kesembilan - Manusia berwajah hitam dan mata serta perutnya berapi. Mereka di dunia memakan harta anak yatim.
Barisan kesepuluh - Manusia bertubuh penuh dengan lepera dan belak (sejenis penyakit kulit yang amat gatal). Mereka di dunia menderhaka kepada ibu bapanya.
Barisan kesebelas - Manusia yang buta matanya, giginya seperti tanduk, bibir melebar hingga ke dada, lidah terjulur sampai ke perut dan keluar kotoran yang sangat jijik . Mereka di dunia meminum arak.
Barisan keduabelas - Manusia yang berwajah berseri dan bercahaya. Merekalah golongan beriman dan beramal soleh.
Kita di barisan mana?????????? renung renungkan lah
Barisan Pertama - Manusia tanpa tangan dan kaki. Mereka di dunia suka menyakiti hati jirannya.
Barisan kedua - Manusia berwajah khinzir hitam. Mereka di dunia melalaikan solat atau bersolat tetapi masih melakukan kemungkaran.
Barisan ketiga - Manusia seperti baghal dengan perut seperti gunung penuh dengan ular dan kala jengking. Mereka di dunia enggan mengeluarkan zakat
Barisan keempat - Manusia yang mengalir darah dari mulutnya. Mereka di dunia berdusta dalam berjual beli
Barisan kelima - Seperti angin yang bertiup berbau sangat busuk. Mereka di dunia menyembunyikan kederhakaan atau maksiat kerana manusia dan mereka tidak takut kepada Allah.
Barisan keenam - Manusia yang tenggorok dan tengkoknya putus. Mereka di dunia menjadi saksi palsu, mengadakan cerita yang tidak berlaku menyebabkan orang teraniaya
Barisan ketujuh - Manusia tanpa lidah dan keluar darah dari mulutnya. Mereka di dunia enggan memberi kesaksian atau menyembunyikan sesuatu kemungkaran menyebabkan hukuman tidak dapat dijalankan.
Barisan kelapan - Manusia berjalan terbalik (kaki ke kepala). Manusia yang melacurkan diri atau berzina tanpa bertaubat.
Barisan kesembilan - Manusia berwajah hitam dan mata serta perutnya berapi. Mereka di dunia memakan harta anak yatim.
Barisan kesepuluh - Manusia bertubuh penuh dengan lepera dan belak (sejenis penyakit kulit yang amat gatal). Mereka di dunia menderhaka kepada ibu bapanya.
Barisan kesebelas - Manusia yang buta matanya, giginya seperti tanduk, bibir melebar hingga ke dada, lidah terjulur sampai ke perut dan keluar kotoran yang sangat jijik . Mereka di dunia meminum arak.
Barisan keduabelas - Manusia yang berwajah berseri dan bercahaya. Merekalah golongan beriman dan beramal soleh.
Kita di barisan mana?????????? renung renungkan lah
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